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Body - Commenting On My Weight

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@laurenjohnsoniectskin-com PREACH! No ones buisness at all, so no need to make a comment.

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I hate when people comment on my weight. I am a very self conscious person. When people comment on how my body looks it makes me spiral. I never comment on someone's weight. You never know people's mental state and commenting on that could damage them. 

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@abigailcochraneiectskin-com I feel like that too. I also feel like growing up you would always see these standards of women and think you have to look like that in order to be attractive. I like how there is more body positivity now and hopefully society will continue to show that everyone no matter the size is "pretty" or "attractive"

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@keyonnastarksiectskin-com I was a little chunky in middle school and then once i hit my growth spirt and went through puberty I lost a bunch of weight. When I got to high school I didn't really eat and was super active so I stayed thin. How that im older I've put on a good 30 pounds since then, but I have to remind myself that Im not a kid anymore.

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I related to this post quite a bit, as someone who grew up very thin around larger women, I was constantly told that I "need a sandwich" by multiple people. Going as far back as 9 years old, comments like these are what made me self conscious of my own body and how it appears to others. Over time I have gotten more comfortable with my body and am quite neutral about it though. I'm glad that this article did not try to compare the struggles associated with being skinny to those of being fat. Because even though it's difficult for every weight, there is a strong prejudice against fat people, especially fat women. 

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@paigebrickhouseiectskin-com I agree, I don't see how someone's weight should matter at any given situation unless they are with their doctor. Commenting on other people's weight is unnecessary in nature because of the many factors involved with self image.

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@keyonnastarksiectskin-com I am sorry that you received bullying in elementary school. Kids can be so cruel to each other because of what they learn at home from their parents. I'm glad that now you are able to learn how to love your body.

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I relate to this topic on a whole another level. My whole life I have been a tiny person and being a tiny person i'm over it. You would never look at a over weight person who is have trouble losing weight and tell them to just eat salads would you, so why would you look at me and think it's okay to say "you need to gain some weight" to me. i will never understand that double standard. 

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@paigebrickhouseiectskin-com I never comment on people's weight because one is none of my business and two as long as they are happy what matters? I agree with you I never understand why people do that, it has to be that they feel so bad about themselves they have to take it out on other people and it's sad.

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@nicoleweberiectskin-com Since I was child people have always had something to say about my weight and for awhile it bothered me and they way I look at it now is that this is me, there is nothing I can change about it and if you don't like it , it's not my problem.

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@francescablackiectskin-com I agree! I think everyone is way too comfortable commenting on peoples bodies, especially if you are underweight because they think it isnt offensive if you aren't overweight.

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Personally, throughout my years in public school I have seen many young kids feel so comfortable calling other kids fat or too skinny when they (in my opinion) are too young to care what someones body looks like. I have also noticed in young family members such as cousins be concerned with their weight and obsess over it when there is genuinely nothing wrong with their body.

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@student Parents have such a big impact on their young children without even knowing. I think being less judgemental will have such a large positive impact on children today.

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before I had my hysterectomy I had a huge fibroid that was sucking the life out of me literally. I was losing so much blood during menstruation that I became anemic as well as needing a blood transfusion. I had a very unhealthy diet because of how busy I was and with my medical issues it made it very hard for me to gain weight. When people would comment on how skinny I was it was super frustrating because people didn't understand I was sick resulting in why I was so skinny. you just never know what someones going through and how their weight management can absolutely be out of their hands.

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@keyonnastarksiectskin-com having one person comment on your body image just one time is enough to make someone self conscious resulting is bad eating habits whether its overindulging for comfort or starving to achieve a thinner appearance.

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@student even when family members speak on it, its rude. I agree that your weight should only be talked about with your doctor if its of concern

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