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8 reasons why waxing is better than shaving

Glitzy Lashes

Glitzy Lashes

Dec 9, 2019·3 min read

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Should I wax or shave? This is the most common question a woman asks from herself. There are many ways of hair removal but waxing and shaving are the popular ones. Razor, epilators or any kind of blade tools used for shaving whereas hard or soft body wax is applied and pulled out in the waxing.

Waxing and shaving have their own advantages and disadvantages

  • Shaving is cheap and fast whereas waxing is a little expensive. If we have to choose one from shaving and waxing then it would be waxing.
  • Shaving is cheap, fast and can be done anywhere. It can last up to 2 weeks.
  • Waxing is considered as an effective option for the long run. It can last up to 4–6 weeks. It also depends upon the hair growth of an individual.

How waxing is done?

It starts with the heating of the wax. After that, the wax is applied to the body. Wax forms a grip with the hair. Thus, hair is pulled out and leaves the skin soft and smooth.

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How shaving is done?

Razors, epilators are used for shaving. Razor removes the hair from the surface. During shaving, it also takes the skin with the hair. Shaving makes the skin rough.

There are several reasons which make waxing a better option than shaving. Have a look at the reasons!

Wax makes the skin smooth and soft

If you are waxing the legs, it pulls the hair from the root. Thus it takes 4–5 weeks to grow new hair. If you are shaving the legs, it pulls the hair from the surface which means after 2 weeks you will get the new hair growth. Waxing makes the skin soft and smooth whereas shaving leaves rashes and rough skin.

Waxing removes the dead skin

In the waxing procedure, it not only removes the hair but also exfoliates the dead skin. Exfoliation of dead skin cells makes the skin soft and smooth.

Waxing helps to minimize the growth of ingrown hair

Shaving removes the hair from the surface and makes them blunt. The hair gets trapped beneath the skin and thus it grows in circles. This ingrown hair can cause infection or other problems in the skin. This is the reason women prefer waxing over shaving. Waxing removes the hair growth from the roots which lessen the growth of ingrown hair.

After waxing, the hair growth becomes thinner and lighter

After shaving, the hair growth becomes blunt, rough, uneven and thick. After waxing, hair growth becomes even and skin becomes soft and smooth. Continuing the waxing for a long run helps in growing thinner and lighter hair growth.

Waxing gives fast and better results

It’s a no lie that waxing consumes much time than shaving. For instance, shaving takes only 10 minutes to remove hair from the legs whereas waxing takes 20–25 minutes to remove the hair. But waxing gives better results than shaving.

Different types of waxes in the market

There are several types of waxes present in the market whereas shaving does not provide any other options. There are waxes with scents, moisturizing, hard body wax etc. The options are infinite.

Waxing does not leave any cuts in the body

If shaving is not seriously done, it can leave cuts in the skin. You also have to adopt some serious precautions with waxing. For example, if the wax is very hot, it can burn your skin. It’s better to visit a better parlous for waxing.

Waxing lasts for 4–6 weeks

Waxing pulls the hair from the room. It takes some time to grow new hair. If you are thinking of shaving the legs every day then you are making a big mistake. It will make your skin dull, rough and dark. So, it’s better to go for waxing.

Shaving may save you from a last-minute party or event but after reading the above reasons you must agree with us that shaving may be the easiest and the fastest way but not the best.


Glitzy Lashes


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I don't have much experience in getting waxed, and only a week in waxing someone else. I have enjoyed the waxing that I have done for practice. I did get my own wax kit to practice and did some of my leg, and it is so much smoother than if I were to have shaved. I think I have already switched to the wax side of hair removal! 

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It has been 1 week since I waxed part of my leg and shaved the rest. The part where I shaved, I have already have to shave over again. And where I waxed, it is still just as smooth as when I fist waxed. It is very time consuming to wax large parts of the body, especially doing it yourself, but it is very much worth it. I plan on letting it grow out again and this time waxing all over my legs. Bye bye razors!!

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I'm all for the waxing movement! Aside from the discomfort that comes with waxing- whether or not you get used to it, the benefits outweigh tremendously. I think the entire experience during a waxing appointment is super important. Waxing can be scary! A professional, quick and gentle waxer, good professional grade wax or sugar product, and a clean, comforting environment are all factors that can enhance the experience. 

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This is the best way to see for yourself! I love the convenience of shaving, especially in a hurry. But taking the time to wax or sugar really helps eliminate those last minute razor runs. Now i can focus more intently on the surrounding issues I find with my underarms and bikini areas like proper exfoliation and products that promote hydration and treat hyperpigmentation. 

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I have hyperpigmentation on my under arms and I never knew waxing instead of shaving could help that! I've never actually had anything waxed except my eyebrows once in high school so I'm very excited to compare waxing to shaving especially on my under arms.

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I will tell you Amanda that underarm waxing is great but painful the first couple of times. If you have them waxed regularly the pain does not seem so bad

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Waxing is practicing the right way. If you find a good waxing person stick with them and it will be something you look forward to. I've had some not so good experiences with waxing but I still prefer it to shaving. I just kept looking for the right person to wax me.

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As you grow in your career and practice waxing the correct way it will become easy and profitable for you.

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Yes girl! It's not the most comfortable, but you acclimate. Developing a proper routine with a good waxing schedule has helped a ton! /good exfoliation helps regulate the ingrowns and leaves you smooth! 

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Your right Francesca. It can be very painful but the end results and proper maintenance is worth it to me. 

Amanda there are before and after treatments that can help with darker areas.

Nora it is good to get your own pot and practice on others. This is a good way to get good and fast. Waxing is a fast moneymaker if your quick and do a good job

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Today was my first day ever waxing someone and at first I can say I felt very frustrated with the experience. I am definitely difficult on myself when I don't do something right the first time. I was slightly annoyed starting but then once I continued to do it and started to feel more comfortable with it, I also began to become more interested in it. I was determined to get all the hair and in the most comfortable way for Jayden and have it all look good. 

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@francescablackiectskin-com I have never been waxed before and I am excited to experience being waxed soon. I'm hoping I can also get comfortable with doing it on myself to save time in between shaves. I definitely get sick of shaving/lazy with it all the time. 

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when i was in high school all i did was shave because thats the method my mom uses to remove hair but as i have gotten older you can wax just about any where you can shave and it is better for the skin and more effective. now i prefer waxing to shaving and will probably never shave again unless im in need of a quick fix 

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@noracrainiectskin-com i just ordered my own wax kit, im sure my sister is tired of me asking to use hers 

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I had never realized that shaving removes skin cells along with the hair, and I think this explains a lot of way shaving seems to be so irritating to the skin. Even compared to the way wax removes dead skin cells, you have to think that running something sharp across your skin must be doing more harm than good. It's a shame so many people are discouraged by the pain from waxing, because it's clear that it not only works better to remove hairs than shaving but also is much better for the hair and for the skin.

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Waxing is a great alternative to shaving. It can be painful but after a while I think you get used to it. The results are smooth skin for a longer time than shaving. You have to stay on top of your appointments though. If you let it grow out to where you began it will be more painful and a longer procedure. Soft wax sticks to the skin so your taking skin along with the hair. It can be irritating and if not done correctly the skin can get ripped. This will be a sore area for awhile and a site of possible infection

Get on a schedule and stick to it. 

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Waxing is better than shaving because it provides an alternative to people who are sensitive to shaving. For example, I cannot shave my bikini area because I am allergic to nickel. When I shave I have an allergic reaction. This is why I get waxed to prevent this from happening.

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I completely agree that once you start going more and more, it is not as painful as it was intially because the body has become use to it.

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I definitely prefer waxing over shaving 100% unfortunately I am too impatient to let my grow out all the way plus the hair bothers me so much I just end up shaving. 

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@marlimartiniectskin-com Shaving the bikini area is the worst! I always get really bad razor bumps but when I shave my legs I never have any problems as long as I exfoliate and really make sure my legs are clean. If I had the time and wasn't so impatient I would definitely start getting waxed. 

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Since middle school, I have always used a razor to remove hair. I never really had any problems with shaving, but I do want give waxing another chance. I've had my underarms waxed before and loved the results. Even though it was kind of painful, the end result was amazing. 

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@gabriellemrasiectskin-com I agree with you 1000%. I hate having hair so I rather get rid of it fast by shaving.

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@amandamooreiectskin-com Yes! Waxing is a great way to help with hyper-pigmentation. I bet the results after waxing your underarms a couple of times are going to be amazing

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I used to shave for years thinking i was too much of a chicken to get a bikini wax, after getting my brows waxed. Eventually after hating shaving so often and razor bumps i let my friends talk me into getting a brazilian. BEST INVESTMENT. I will never go back to shaving, yes it hurts for a few seconds but it is so worth it. No razor bumps, it lasts for 3-4-ish weeks , and will continue to last longer the longer i keep going. I dont get anything else waxed because i dont have any other issues affiliated with shaving but i would 10/10 recommend waxing to anyone, especially with sensitive skin. 

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@keyonnastarksiectskin-com  I agree with it getting rid of hyperpigmentation. My estheticiain waxes my inner thighs where i get chub rub lol,although i dont have hair there, it removes all the dead cells and it has almost completely taken it away. 

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@gabriellemrasiectskin-com If you can wait it out, do it ! Its almost winter so nows the time you dont have to be in a bathing suit or anything! Its completely worth it in my opinion, from a price and pain stand point. Game changer. 

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I feel like it may be time for me to get a wax pot and wax some things at home lol. I hate shaving and it does irritate my underarms! I like the idea of the hair not growing back as fast especially above the upper lip 

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@amandamooreiectskin-com I had no idea waxing could help with hyperpigmentation! 

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Razor bumps finally did me in so I opt for waxing. The skin is sensitive so masking the area and exfoliating lightly when the hair grows back helps in between waxing. 

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