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More Americans Should Probably Wear Masks for Protection d" alt="A subway rider wears a mask to prevent contracting the coronavirus, in New York, March 20, 2020. (Brittainy Newman/The New York Times)" />
A subway rider wears a mask to prevent contracting the coronavirus, in New York, March 20, 2020. (Brittainy Newman/The New York Times)

As the coronavirus pandemic rages on, experts have started to question official guidance about whether ordinary, healthy people should protect themselves with a regular surgical mask, or even a scarf.

The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continue to state that masks don’t necessarily protect healthy individuals from getting infected as they go about their daily lives.

The official guidance continues to recommend that masks should be reserved for people who are already sick, as well as for the health workers and caregivers who must interact with infected individuals on a regular basis. Everyone else, they say, should stick to frequent hand-washing and maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet from other people to protect themselves.

But the recent surge in infections in the United States, which has put the country at the center of the epidemic, with more confirmed cases than China, Italy or any other country, means that more Americans are now at risk of getting sick. And healthy individuals, especially those with essential jobs who cannot avoid public transportation or close interaction with others, may need to start wearing masks more regularly.

“The swift increase in cases to these levels in the U.S. highlights to an even greater degree the importance of implementing and adhering to public health measures,” said Dr. Robert Atmar, an infectious disease specialist at Baylor College of Medicine.

While wearing a mask may not necessarily prevent healthy people from getting sick, and it certainly doesn’t replace important measures such as hand-washing or social distancing, it may be better than nothing, Atmar said.

There is very little data showing that flat surgical masks, in particular, have a protective effect for the general public. Masks work by stopping infected droplets spewing from the wearer’s nose or mouth, rather than stopping the acquisition of virus from others. That is why the WHO and CDC recommend that people already infected with the coronavirus wear masks, to protect others who may come into close contact with them. Health workers wear masks because they interact with sick patients regularly and often have to lean close for important medical procedures, exposing themselves to higher amounts of viral particles. And if healthy individuals start stockpiling surgical masks and high-grade N95 masks, they can also make it harder for health workers to get the resources they need to help on the front lines.


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Healthy people are not the ones who need to be wearing the masks, the sick people need to be wearing the mask. COVID-19 is not an airborne virus it is transmitted through droplets. So if a healthy person is wearing a mask but a sick person with corona sneezes onto a surface and that healthy person wearing a mask touches the surface then touches their mouth, they have just now transmitted the virus to themselves. Sick people should not be going out anyway but if it is absolutely 100% necessary then they need to be wearing the N95 masks. Healthy people are stock piling these masks and are leaving none left for our health care providers like nurses doctors etc.  

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I believe that everyone should be wearing a mask. When. the mask mandate happened we started to see a decrease in cases because it was protecting everyone the healthy and sick people. At the peak of covid when I went outside I would double mask

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@gabriellemrasiectskin-com I agree if you know you have covid then you should completely isolate yourself. Its selfish to put others at risk knowing that you are positive

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i still feel like mask should be enforced. yes it's a pain to wear them constantly but it's keeping people safe and it can help decreases the number of cases.

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@camiryndavisiectskin-com i completely agree with you. not only do we need to keep wearing mask but we need to also disinfect and sanitize hands and items we use constantly.

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I honestly hate wearing masks. I do think they are important when in big crowds or if your sick.

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@camiryndavisiectskin-com The numbers of cases did go down alot when we are starting to wear masks and enforcing places too as well.

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@gabriellemrasiectskin-com I agree as well. Non sick people dont need to be taking all of the masks because they are scared of getting sick. Anyone who is sick needs to stay home.

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As we are slowly dropping in covid cases, and the initial craze is dying down, i think people arent taking it as seriously as they still should. The affects are still very real and should be taken seriously. Wearing masks when youre sick, being on top of sanitizing and washing your hands. 

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@keyonnastarksiectskin-com I agree it can be apain to wear them at times especially in the summer when its hot and you cant breath as it is but we should still be mindful of those with weakend immune systems and being curtious to those aorund us.

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@cameranriddleiectskin-com I agree with you- if you're sick just please stay home. It honestly makes me sad that its 2 years later, and we are still struggling with Covid. When my husband and I had covid in January, we stayed home for two weeks... we watched a lot of Yellowstone and took a lot of naps, but that is all we did. I have always tried to make a conscience effort as well to not touch my face, nose, eyes, or mouth when I am out running errands until I have a change to thoroughly wash my hands. That way I am not increasing my chance of getting sick.

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@abigailcochraneiectskin-com Agreed! And stay home if you don't feel good. I feel like some people who are sick still go out in public in spite of it- that is why more people are getting sick.

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